About Me
I am Elana Rey, a contemporary conceptual artist.
In my works, I draw attention to important social issues that have become the norm in our consciousness.
Through my provocative and visually innovative works, I try to rethink the generally accepted values of success, motivating viewers to reconsider their life priorities and challenge established stereotypes. My works reflect current trends in modern society through iconic elements of society: technology, artificiality, glamour, and glitter. Using simple images, sometimes with humor and sarcasm, I strive to draw attention to serious social problems and encourage viewers to think about the destructive impact of the consumerist lifestyle on our psyche, on the environment, and on interpersonal relationships, to inspire viewers to create a more meaningful and responsible life.
Despite the seriousness of the topics, my works carry a positive visual message and give hope and optimism for the prevalence of reason in solving complex problems.
They are exhibited in galleries, at international venues in Spain, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Russia, and in private collections.
Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.
About Artist
Catalog of paintings
Dimensions: 60x50 cm
Material: canvas with a solid wood frame, acrylic, epoxy resin, mixed media
Year of creation: 2024
Price: Eur. 900
The painting metaphorically depicts the cycle of life and its flow. The central toothed disk, the blade of a circular saw, symbolizes the irreversibility of time and the cyclical nature of life.
The desire from top to bottom and the reverse movement illustrate the stages of a person's life. People in the upper part symbolize birth and the beginning of life's journey, coming into this world – pure as a white sheet of paper, and inexperienced, ready to take on all the joys and sorrows of life.
The meeting with the teeth of a saw personifies a collision with life's difficulties, the challenges of fate that shape and change us. The teeth also symbolize difficult experiences and moments that "cut off" the unnecessary and shape our character.
This work is a reflection on how we come into this world pure and naive. Still, passing through various stages and trials, we are filled with experience and wisdom, inevitably returning to the beginning of the great circle of the life cycle.
Dimensions: 122x73 cm
Material: ART Board Base, with a solid wood frame, acrylic, epoxy resin, mixed media
Year of creation: 2024
Price: Eur. 2700
“Nails should be made from these people:
There would be no stronger nails in the world”
Nikolay Tikhonov
The work is a complex composition divided into three thematic levels, each of which symbolizes a certain period in the history and life of people in Russia.
- Lower part – Life in the USSR
- Middle part – Perestroika
- Upper part – Modernity
The work "NAILS OF DESTINY" is a deep reflection on human resilience and the ability to adapt to change. It invites the viewer to think about how historical events affect the destinies of people and shape their character.
Dimensions: 62x52 cm
Material: ART Board Base, with a solid wood frame, acrylic, epoxy resin, mixed media
Year of creation: 2024
Price: Eur. 900
The work is a visual embodiment of the change in the world and the evolution of mankind in connection with the introduction of new technologies. The work is divided into two bright sectors: red and blue, symbolizing the natural history of life and the probable paths of its transformation.
The human figures located on a blue background embody the evolutionary metaphor of the gradual fusion of man with technology, suggesting a new direction of development.
The picture reflects the ideas of transhumanism, in which the development of technology contributes to the expansion of the physical and mental capabilities of people, opening up new horizons and prospects for the evolution of mankind.
The work is a vision of the future, where mankind is on the threshold of a new era, entering into symbiosis with technology, which provokes discussions about morality, identity and the very essence of human existence.
Dimensions: 100x79 cm
Материал: ART Board Base, with a solid wood frame, acrylic, epoxy resin, mixed media
Year of creation: 2024
Price: Eur. 2300
The work "Spam" reflects the influence of advertising and excessive, often junk information on modern society.
The central element of the composition – a can of cheap meat preserves "Spam" – symbolizes the information garbage that fills our consciousness, drowning out our own thoughts and opinions.
The inscription "WE KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU" emphasizes the idea of the intrusive influence of marketing and advertising, convincing people that someone knows better than they do what they need and makes them buy unnecessary things.
Miniature figures of people scattered throughout the composition symbolize the loneliness and powerlessness of a person in the face of a stream of intrusive information. Two white masks, an homage to the famous painting “The Scream,” remind us of the fear and anxiety associated with the loss of control and individuality.
This work focuses on how advertising and information noise control our preferences and choices, suppressing our personal opinions and desires.
The artist uses visual language to convey serious issues of manipulation and mass control in the modern world.
Dimensions: 90x60 cm
Material: ART Board Base, with a solid wood frame, acrylic, epoxy resin, mixed media
Year of creation: 2024
Price: Eur. 2300
The work reflects the degradation of the main traditional, moral, religious commandments in modern society and represents a visual commentary on modern social problems and cultural trends.
The central element of the composition is a large circular saw, symbolizing an industrial society and a ruthless mechanism of consumption. Around it are various metal parts (nuts, bolts, washers), personifying the depersonalization and standardization of human life in the modern world.
Miniature figures of people, who are characterized by a static pose, scattered around the circular saw, symbolize the human masses, which are pulled into the endless wheel of consumption by the iron hand of the system.
The work illustrates the substitution of fundamental human values in the pursuit of material goods and superficial pleasures.
The work calls on the viewer to think about the essence of modern society, personal freedom, morality and the impact that unlimited consumption standards have on people.
Dimensions: 92x122 cm
Material: ART Board Base, with a solid wood frame, acrylic, epoxy resin, mixed media
Year of creation: 2024
Price: Eur. 3000
The painting "Evolution" is an abstract representation of the life cycle and evolution of relationships among living beings.
The lower part of the painting depicts a calm green surface, symbolizing peaceful coexistence at the initial stage of evolution. From there, two powerful streams rise – black and red, visually personifying the clash of opposing forces and energies.
These forces tend to conflict and lead to destruction, which is reflected in the chaotically located metal elements representing tension and struggle.
Contrasting colors enter into a kind of dance, which symbolizes the process of struggle for survival, in which one life form fights with another for resources and space.
The deformed metal elements indicate the tension and destruction in this phase.
The upper part of the composition is filled with a lightening blue background, against which the streams diverge. This symbolizes the achievement of a new level of symbiosis and harmony. The organisms rub against each other, moving from confrontation to cooperation and coexistence.
The final calm of the background reflects the end of the phase of evolutionary struggle and the onset of symbiosis, where merging opposites enrich each other.
Dimensions: 123x73 cm
Material: ART Board Base, with a solid wood frame, acrylic, epoxy resin, mixed media
Year of creation: 2024
Price: Eur. 3000
The work "Allusion of Mind" allegorically shows the values of modern society, where people's whole lives revolve around their smartphones. The central figure – a wooden dummy – a mannequin crucified on a cross made of mobile phones. It symbolizes the irresistible addiction and dependence of the current generation on primitive – entertaining and leading to the degradation of the mind Internet technologies.
The figures of Barbie and Ken, carried away by the ritual of selfies against the background of a sarcastically transformed symbol of human suffering, personify a painful addiction, the need for constant presence in the digital world, combined with infantile narcissism and lack of empathy.
The composition carries a satirical message to modern society, which is busy with endless creation and absorption of low-value, garbage information, virtual entertainment content that obscures and masks the real problems and threats facing our civilization.
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© Elana Rey, 2025
Modern conceptual artist.